Cricket Club Condominium Sanitary Sewer Force Main Connection (2023-2024)

Civil Works Projects


Wastewater, Roadway


Cricket Club Condominium

Completed Date

Dec.2023 - June 2024 (estimated)

Project Budget

$ 1.2M

This project involves the design, permitting, construction, and restoration associated with connecting the Cricket Club Condominium’s sanitary sewer system to the existing 12-inch force main located on Biscayne Boulevard.

Sanitary Sewer Force Main Construction in Biscayne Blvd.
This project aimed to design and construct a new sanitary sewer force main in Biscayne Blvd., replacing the existing 12-inch main with increased capacity.

Project Goals

  • Research and locate as-built plans for the existing 12-inch force main.
  • Design the new force main, including a connection to the Cricket Club Pump Station and tie-in to the existing main in Biscayne Blvd.
  • Prepare plan and profile sheets detailing the new force main alignment, connections, and specifications.
  • Obtain necessary permits and approvals from relevant agencies (City of North Miami, Miami Dade County WASD, DERM, FDOT).
  • Coordinate with surveyor for base topo survey.
  • Develop Roadway Restoration Plans for post-construction resurfacing along the alignment.

Project Outcome

  • Improved and expanded sanitary sewer capacity for the Cricket Club Condominium.
  • Efficient connection to the existing Biscayne Boulevard force main.
  • Minimized disruptions to traffic and surrounding areas through proper planning and coordination.
  • Restored roadways to pre-construction condition according to agency specifications.

Additional Notes:

  • This project is currently ongoing, with an estimated completion date in June 2024.
  • The project highlights the importance of collaboration with various agencies and stakeholders to ensure successful infrastructure development.
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